Friday, February 26, 2021

Movie Plot

 Plot of the movie after the Intro

   Creating the plot for the intro is essential, but coming up with the entire plot is very important. As our main character hears the sirens is about to take his mask off and get in the car, the cop manages to get a glimpse of our main character's side profile. The main character manages to get away but he knows that the cop has seen what he looks like and knows that the cop will be able to put the pieces together. 

   The policeman has been there in that small town for over twenty years. Towards the beginning of his career there was a killer in the town that he was never able to catch. He killed his victims very specifically and always at night. The cop once saw his face and never forgot it since as it still haunts him to this day. The name of this killer was the Charleston Wood Killer. 

   The policeman realized that after seeing the current killer, which is our main character, he looks very similar to the one from 20 years ago. Both of their masks are very unique and similar at the same time. He realizes that there has to be some connection between the two and it gives him hope that he can catch both killers. The conflict is that now that he saw our current killer, he will be chasing after the cop and his family.

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 The Movie Intro Enjoy!